International Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Communication (IRJICC) A Reputable and peer-reviewed quarterly Research Journal dedicated to the exploration and dissemination of Scholarly Research in the fields of Religious Studies and social sciences. Our Journal serves as a Platform for Academics, Scholars, and Researchers to contribute to the understanding of religious traditions and their interactions with various social Dynamics .At International Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Communication (IRJICC), our mission is to encourage rigorous Academic Research and promote critical discourse on topics related to religious studies and their societal implications. We aim to provide a forum for diverse perspectives and multidisciplinary approaches that illuminate the complex relationships between Religion and Society. We invite scholars, researchers, and academics from diverse backgrounds to become part of our scholarly community. Whether you are a seasoned expert or an emerging scholar, our journal provides a forum for your research and insights to reach a global audience.We are excited to embark on this intellectual journey and eagerly anticipate receiving your submissions. Through the pages of our journal, we aim to advance the dialogue on religious and social studies, exploring the intricate tapestry of human beliefs and societies.
Current Issue
Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024): (April-June 2024)