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Ashiq Rasool
Rizwan Ahmed


From the colonial period to the present day, this article examines important stages in the involvement of European nations in the Israel-Palestine conflict, both historically and currently. It analyses the origins of the conflict and the complex role of European countries by looking at the Balfour Declaration, the mandate period, and the dynamics after WWII. During the Cold War, European attitudes and actions were shaped by the confluence of global geopolitics and the Middle East. Europe has shown its dedication to promoting a peace process, overcoming obstacles, and contributing to diplomatic and economic solutions through the Oslo Accords and following diplomatic endeavours. The role of the European Union becomes increasingly important, underscoring the importance of a two-state solution and the potential to use economic might to advance peace. The complex interplay between historical links, security concerns, and commitment to human rights and international law is on full display in Europe's nuanced reactions to challenges including regional upheavals, uprisings, and planned annexation.The essay explores recent events, UN engagement, international law, and Europe's role in tackling the conflict through the BDS movement. It is difficult to create a cohesive approach due to the different viewpoints inside Europe. Recognising the shared responsibility for promoting peace and stability in the Middle East, European nations continue to play a crucial role in the fight for a comprehensive and fair resolution to the Middle East crisis, even as the area navigates changing geopolitical landscapes.


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How to Cite
Rasool , A., Ahmed , R., & Kamran. (2023). ISRAEL PALESTINE CONFLICT A EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE . International Research Journal of Islamic Culture and Communication, 1(1), 49–60. Retrieved from